Using an automated SMS platform to grow your business
Here's how you can start incorporating SMS into your business and marketing strategy with Rungopher.

We believe every business is unique, so we don’t just give you a platform to work with. We want to help you optimize your Rungopher platform according to your business goals so you can solve problems and scale your impact.
With RunGopher, it’s a partnership. We want to help you every step of the way.
When you think of an automated SMS platform, what comes to mind?
For some of you, this can feel intimidating because you’re not familiar with using automated processes for your marketing strategy. For some others, you love the idea of using an automated SMS platform. You want to save time and you’re looking for a ready-to-go platform to help you get the results you want.
With RunGopher, using an automated SMS platform means you get a partner to help you connect with your audience through conversational SMS that uses a streamlined process in your backend.
We want you to meet your customers where you’re at and build trusting relationships with them. To do this, you can’t just buy an SMS platform and use a mainstream template. If you want to connect with your audience, you want to go personal. This is where RunGopher comes in.
It’s not just a demo for us because we’re a part of your team.
We want you to succeed and we’re here to walk with you through the process. We’ll help you maximize your marketing using SMS and build your own SMS strategy that allows you to have genuine conversations with your customers and create engagement that converts.
What happens after you sign up to work with RunGopher?
Step #1: Understanding you and your business.
We will spend some time in workshops to understand what you do for your business and how you do it. We want to understand your programs and the causes you are fighting for.
Our goal is to help you help people. And to do that, we want to dive into who your customers are and what their pain points are. From there, we will know the journey that your customers and audience go through and will be able to map it out into an SMS strategy.
Step #2: Test it out together with RunGopher team.
It’s important that we take the time to test out our strategy. In the free trial phase, we will try to structure the campaign and send it to a smaller contact base.
Our team will help monitor and go through the process with you. Most of the time, the results are amazing because we see how the customer journey plays out in real time.
Step #3: Debrief with RunGopher team.
Before strategizing for your upcoming campaigns, we want to first evaluate how the test-run goes and dive deep on what went well and what didn’t go well. We want to discuss the opt-out rates and measure the effectiveness of each part of your customer journey.
In this phase, we will identify the pain points together and draft out solutions so that you can optimize your upcoming campaigns with RunGopher. Our recommendations will be based on your particular needs and inspirations drawn from the previous campaigns we have done.
Step #4: Strategize for upcoming campaigns.
Taking everything that we have uncovered together from steps #1-3, we will now create a strategy for you to maximize RunGopher for your upcoming programs and campaigns.
We will talk through the scripts you have in mind and map out the best way to structure the campaign. The goal is to help you put together all the pieces so that you will be ready to run your next campaign using an optimized SMS strategy with RunGopher.
Step #5: Run your campaign.
This is the most exciting part of your journey, because you are finally launching your campaign and running your SMS strategy at its full capacity. We believe in what you do and this is where your vision comes to life.
In this stage, we see how SMS strategy can help you get the results and impact that you want.
Step #6: Get results and reach out.
Now you have your SMS marketing strategy, your automated SMS platform ready-to-use, and your campaign launched.
You can connect with your audience, convert your audience, and raise the funds you need to fight for the cause you believe in. And with RunGopher as your partner, you can always reach out to RunGopher team for help and additional support along the way.
Want to work with RunGopher?
You too can transform your business and marketing strategy using conversational SMS. Book your demo with RunGopher today and let’s connect you with your audience so you can grow your business and scale your impact.